Sunday, July 31, 2011

I think I Can!

Its hard to believe its been two weeks here at Fitness Ridge. Honestly, it feels like longer. This week especially. Being here is so much more than just losing weight, its about changing your mind, and throwing away bad habits, and old tricks. So much of my eating, and alot of other guests here, are tied to emotions.  I eat when im happy, sad, scared, depressed, frustrated, celebrating, whatever it may be, and here you cant do it, you fight through it. I had a tough time because being here has stretched me physically, emotionally and mentally. Im pushing myself all day, every day; through the heat, and the hills, and the water, that at the end of the day, ive got nothing left to give. Ready for a little story....
  Tuesday, was a particularly rough day for me, they call it "Teary Tuesday" here at the ridge, and lets just say my eyes were juicy a few times that day. I was hiking, and I was so tired that morning, my spirit was just down and my heart just wasnt in it, but I got up and I just said "I think I can, I think I can."  We went on my hike that  I consider so far to be my nemesis, oh sweet goodness its rough. It starts out up hill with crazy amounts of sand and lava rock, uhhhh, our goal is to get to the top of the mountain to a place called Piano Rock. My feet were sluggish, my legs ached, and my muscles were sore, and im climbing up the side of this rock 3,000 feet up, the piano shaped rock, 100 feet in my future, and I just fell on the side of this rock, crying because I simply couldn't go on. My lungs wouldnt let me and neither would my head. One hike guide stuck by me, his name is Matt, and he held my hand and hiked back with me. When you're doing things you never thought you could, and when you're tired, and homesick, you just give out a little. They say its good to cry here, you just have to let it out, and boy did I ever. I felt refreshed and renewed, after words. I continued with the other 5 hrs of working out I had that day, and yes another break down came again. Its a wonderful place to be, bc theres no judgement, just understanding, and comfort. During my break down, I found break through, as I continue to learn about myself, and my addiction. It really is a beautiful thing, even when it gets hard or daunting.  Success... Was mine at the end of the week, losing 6 pounds, making it 11 total in 2 wks. God is good,and I am victorious through Him. So, when you're at home exercising this week, just say "I think I can, I know I can, Im worth it." I promise it helps. Dont steal from yourself, play big. YOU CAN DO IT!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It hurts so good!

Its been 6 days since I walked through the doors of fitness ridge. I already feel as though Im not the same. If 6 days ago you asked me if I could hike 6 miles up hill over rocks, through caves, and over rivers, I would have told you, you must be dreaming.  Thats exactly what I did, and when my body told me I couldnt my mind said "You're worth it."  A saying that doesnt pass through my lips too often, and when after the 6 mile hike I had to do cardio for an hour straight and hard, I prayed and recited scripture over me.  God's word and truth about who we are is soooo powerful. Thank you Jesus. I had a victory at the end of my week too, losing 5.2 pounds, as Charlie Sheen would say "WIN!" I want to tell you all of the great people here....
      Lets start with the hike guides, everyone of them are as sweet and as pushy as can be. Hahaha! On your first day (Monday) at the ridge you go out on an assesment hike, and that determines what group you'll be put into, they have intro, beginner, intermediate group C,B, A, and then Advanced! Apparently I did well in my assesment hike and I was put into intermediate group c the lowest of the intermediate but still, its not as low as I had anticipated. Anyay, it was really hard, and everyday I wanted to die, but one of the hike guides would walk with me, and talk with me, and tell me I could do it... and I did. they are awesome.
      The trainers are unbelieveable, and understanding, yet cut throat, and relentless. One of the trainers favorite sayings while kicking our butts is "Try you'll love it." UHHHH negative, I actually want to punch you in the face right now. But it makes you better and stronger, and you end up amazing yourself. This week has been wonderful, daunting, hard, fun, and emotional. The guests here are loving and accepting, no matter the shape or size you are or them. They believe in you, when you dont, and you really do become a family here. Its a beautiful thing!  So far I love it here, and I know theres more challenges to come, and more victories I cant wait to see how God works, and how I grow during this time. Lets do this. If God is for me, who can be against me? I leave you with a random fact of Utah: They have a channel called Mormon tv. Hahaha! I think thats funny. Be blessed all.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Utah anyone?

WOW! I can't believe the time has come. The day i've been waiting for, a glorious second chance to live the life I was meant to. Praise God!  Crazy as it sounds, it doesnt seem real yet. I don't think it will, til I've boarded the plane, and flying across the country.
  I'm almost ready to leave, my huge suitcase is almost packed, and when I say huge, I mean this sucker could fit a third world country in it. Haha its that big. Honestly, I didnt know they came so BIG. The resort sent me a check list, some stuff practical, like well, sunscreen, and band-aides, fitness apparel and so forth. The item i wasnt expecting to be on there, FIRST AIDE KIT. Ummmm that makes me a little nervous, what kind of aide am I going to be needing? Dear Jesus, keep me safe. HAHA! All in all, I think Im ready. My minds ready, my heart too for the most part, Im just going to miss everyone. The people who have seen me at my worst, who have walked with me, who despite my hurts and hurting them, have loved me through this addiction. To the newer people who have entered my life, who love me right where I'm at, who choose to support and encourage me. You ALL blow my mind. Yes, I'm going to Utah for me, to get healthy, to understand why I am the way I am, to learn to love myself,  all the while Im becoming better, for each of you. If I love myself, Ill love all of you alot better too. This is another chapter, an unpredictable, life altering, hard, beautiful, crazy chapter. Cant wait for all of you to read it, and maybe somehow your lives will be changed along the way as well. Ill catch you soon.  

Thursday, July 7, 2011


 Hello, again, I can hardly believe that I leave in oh just 10 days.  Originally, I wasnt supposed to leave til the 31st and they called me up last week, so very casually, "Erica, we have you down for the 17th, and we wanted to follow up." Exact words! Oh well to my knowledge its the 31st, but ill play along. God is good, and I know he isnt gonna lead me to a place thats gonna harm or be bad for me. Turns out my roommate the first week im there, is a veteran of sorts to this camp. She'll be going into her 8th week, so Im blessed to have someone who can show me the ropes. Plus, im on the second floor, and I guess thats the "Place to be" great view, and no ones above you. Blessings, all around!
      As the day approaches, as I contine to pray and seek God, im reminded of my favorite verse "For I know the Plans,I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 My futures looking brighter, and I couldn't be more excited and in anticipation to see whats in store for me. Yes, my blood pressure rises as the day gets closer out of both excitment and worry, but if God is for me who can be against me? Utah, can bring it on!!  Until next time, be blessed.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Utah here I come

Hello, to all who may be reading this. This is my first ever blog, im gonna be like blogzilla from now on. I should begin this new way of expression/entertainment/update on my life by explaining what "The Day is Approaching" means. In about 15 days(but whose counting) I will be headed to the lovely, hot,hill infested Utah. Why you ask? No, not to marry a mormon, or even find true love. Its a journey strictly meant for finding me. A journey to get healthy and climb some pretty awesome rocks in the process.  Drum Roll Please... Im heading out to a fitness camp, to work on, well, my fitness. Really its so much more than just that, its about challenging myself, believing in myself, and making some pretty cool friends in the process. Im a little nervous and alot excited for this new chapter in the new beginning of a new season of my life. For 2 months its gonna be all about me, and im just not use to that at all.  The days are long, the weather is hot, and the timing is perfect. Please join me on this journey as I begin to learn more about myself, and about the goodness of God. Share with me in my times of hardship, and tears, and triumphs, and joy. Lets go to Utah together.