Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sometimes you just have to conquer the beast!!

  Well, I certainly must confess that I am severely lacking in the blogging department. My computer, though I am grateful for it, isnt really up to par, and I don't typically have internet at my apartment, I may or may not be hijacking someones around heres internet.
  So, do you ever get stuck in a rut, on top of a plateau, or like you are swimming up stream?  I have been feeling like that lately. And it feels good to get that off of my chest, to confess, what sometimes is viewed as failure or an in completion.   But  on Thursday after a tough "day at the office," I decided to go workout, in a class at Fitness Ridge called Treading, and its an intense cardio interval workout. Its not in anyway fun, or joyous. It is however challenging, invigorating, and it changes your heart and lungs, which is always a good thing, and you always feel amazing upon conquering this difficult feat. This particular day I was "Dreading the Treading." I came up with every excuse in the book as to why I cant work out, I'm too tired, I worked all day, Ill work out twice as much tomorrow, blah, blah, blah.  I just wasn't feeling worthy, feeling good about myself. We all have those days. Sometimes when you become stagnant in something you need to set some new goals, and push a little harder. I've been struggling, ive been stagnant. Believe me this is not something I am happy to admit, but I know it can only make things better. So, in an attempt to make things better, I went and hopped on the treadmill. I got on that miserable machine, and I just wanted to cuss at it. What can I say, I was in a bit of a foul mood, it was me and that cardio beast, and I felt my legs turn into jello. Then the trainers voice comes over the speakers, and the music starts pumping, and I am in a room full of people who feel the exact same way as me. Suddenly, that cardio beast was my friend, and my legs felt strong and fierce(and that was only the warm up.) As the walking turned to running, the trainer her name is Sharon came up to me and screamed, nicely in my face "Don't stop, because you are worth it." Suddenly, my eyes filled with tears, and maybe a little bit of sweat, but those 7 words on changed my whole day. She had no idea how badly I needed to hear that. How much my spirit was lifted, and how beautiful I felt in that moment. Sometimes when your mind is telling no, thats when you should do it, because it will change your heart, and change your day. Every once in a while the only option is to conquer your beast, fight your demon, and ALWAYS remember that you are worth it. Blessings my dears, God loves you, and He doesn't make junk. Believe that.