Sunday, August 28, 2011

Im Changed for the Better!

Hello All, Happy Sunday to you all! I love Sunday's, its my only day off, I get to sleep in, and lounge, and prep for yet another week, of busy, hard core, life altering working out, and classes.  I just finished my 6th week here, I cant believe how fast its gone. Only 2 weeks left of being here at the camp and I just don't know how to feel about it? Its sad to leave behind this family Ive created, this new life, and scary thinking about entering back into the real world. I just don't know if I'm ready? I am going to try with all my might not to have FEAR because Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real, and I've lived in fear long enough, I lived in bondage long enough, I'm ready to to be free! Although, its a slow process Im better than before. I feel more alive, and happy than I have in a long time.
   Every Friday at 1:15 all the stay over guests gather in the aerobics room with the trainers and we just kind refresh and connect, and we go around the room and share a victory that we've had this week. Most share of a physical battle they over came, or a hike they conquered that they didnt before, or that they ran on the treadmill. Then it came to me, I was the very last, and I was thinking and thinking and I was having a hard time coming up with something. I cant think for the life of me why? Then in a moment it came to me. I said "For me this week wasn't about what I conquered on the Hike or on the Elliptical, this week, I found beauty in who I've become, and who i'm becoming." That was a beautiful thing. I even made a trainer cry, that wasn't the plan though, she just felt so moved and so happy that I found that. I am very loved here, its amazing! I feel like this is where I belong, this is where I'll find my freedom. Thank you Jesus. Be encouraged by that, because weight loss isnt always just about the numbers, its about the feeling, about the heart behind your journey, its about becoming and transforming. Stay strong! Don't cheat yourself, and don't think you cant. I love you all. Be blessed.

p.s. I do have a bit of news, and when I am able to share it, I will. God is good.

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