Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Constant Change of Life

Hello, happy Sunday to everyone. I hope your day is full of relaxation, restoration, and love. I just finished my 7th week here at Fitness Ridge, where does the time go? I'm telling you, time does not exist here. It seems as though I just got here, and now my time is almost done. Many of you may be wondering what I may be feeling about to head home, enter back into real life, continue this journey without 7 hrs dedicated to working out a day, or a trainer lovingly yelling at you to GO FASTER, and YOU CAN, YOURE WORTH IT. I just wanted to tell all of you, that well.... I'm not coming HOME! Not for a while anyway. I have an opportunity to stay here in Utah, and when I can disclose more info on the matter, I will. Just know that God is soooo good. This is an answer to my prayers, and my families as well. Here's the thing, Im  not ready to enter back into real life yet, I still have so much to figure out, and learn, and with Gods help, and the people ive met here, I know the only option I have is to succeed. Its the constant change of life, if you would have asked me 7 weeks ago, if I thought I was going to live in Utah, I prolly would have laughed at you and made a weird face, but after being here a week, I knew, I just knew, this place, these people had to be a part of me.  Though this change and transition is a bittersweet one, I know Im doing the right thing. I am going to get a part time job, and continue to mainly focus on my health and me right now. Which is a blessing beyond measure. PRAISE GOD! I can tell everyone more details next week, as I finish up my race here, all in all, Ive had the time of my life, even with blisters, and ripped up feet, sun burn, soreness, tears, sweat, hardships, break through, homesickeness, and being exhausted beyond belief,  I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world. It's not just about what I've lost around my waist line, but what i've gained spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, I've been changed for good.
   A quote that is said around here, and I am paraphrasing, goes something like this "Feed your faith, because then your fear has no way of finding you." Have faith in yourself. Be honored and humbled by the fact that every morning you get up and are able to move, and walk, and see. Not everyone can, so try to have the attitude of I get to exercise, not I have to. Nicole, a trainer who works here, says if she has an hr in her day to exercise,thats her time, for that hour shes not a mom, a teacher, a counselor, thats her time, to be alone with her thoughts, to push her body and enjoy the fact that she is still able. That encouraged me, and shed light on things, I hope it does the same for all of you. Be blessed. Ill see you all soon. Like Christmas. I love you guys.


  1. Erica!!! I am soooooo proud of you and miss you like crazy. Keep it up sweetie. I pray that you find God in places you never would have looked, his love holding you in ways you never would have imagined and a love for yourself that no one could have ever given you!
    Love you & Love your blog,

  2. I am so excited for you. Dreams coming too. I love the quote you posted, I absolutely wrote it down.!
