Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year, A Brand New Start!

Hello All, its been ages since ive posted anything, I hope this finds you all well. Being New Years Eve, and all, a time when everyone is reflective, and nostalgic, frantically writing down their new years resolutions, many of which we will not live out past January. LETS BE HONEST. Im guilty of it too. I thought i'd set a challenge. 2011 was a year of such goodness and freedom for me, that I am just hoping 2012 can live up to it. My New Years Resolution started in the summer, call me a cheater if you must, but its the first one I actually have stuck with, and its a simple one, TO FEEL BETTER ABOUT MYSELF. For me it was going to Utah, going to Fitness Ridge, and gaining a whole new perspective. The hardest part about a New Years Resolution is starting it, sticking to your word. A wise amazing woman once said to me,"You dont have be great to start, but you have to start to be great." See, its all about the start. Looking for the finish line, will only get you frustrated and annoyed, just look to the end of the day, you can do it til its dark out, til your head hits the pillow. Sometimes, I will want something sweet at the end of the day. Wanting something sweet isnt bad, its over indulging in that sweet that gets me, so when that over whelming feeling comes over me, I will look on my phone for a "Fat" picture of me, and I just cant do it. Its not worth the 3 hrs of working out I did that day, and the progress im making. Not to say I dont slip up, and eat that overwhelming sweet, or greasy amazing pizza, I do, and I will again, but its what I do after that, that matters.
    My challenge to all of you, is to just start. Every single morning is a new start, Gods mercies are new every morning, the beauty is that everyday the slate is clean. So, when you start, and mess up, dont give up, just start again the next day. And realize that you arent alone, in the starting process. Whether, its losing weight, or not drinking pop, or quitting smoking, or eating after 7, or running a marathon. Just start. One Minute, One Hour, One Day at a time. I promise, you will see results, and freedom. Be encouraged the power that you hold. And remember youre worth it, and so are those you love. Have a Blessed new year, and a great START to a new you.

1 comment:

  1. You have inspired me to start! I need to do better with my eating and exercising. Since I had Ruby I've had a hard time getting going again, but tomorrow is a new day! Thanks for giving me a good kick in the rear and a reminder that today is a great day to start!
